Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stage Crew Training

singing song . . .

aiyo wat happen to blogspot? ........... its my pc problem or blogspot problem?
anyway need u guys to tilt ur head a bit lor........... hehe

group photo
separate to small group & games going start . . .
this is team called HL CREW . . .

this team named VICTORY . . .

& this team called NATURAL . . .

start printing group photo for all members as souvenir .......... thanks ka chai !!
for providing this printer n idea.




games start . . . first of all, need to answer 3 MPQ before proceed to game stations.
this is kok siong station, called "London Bridge" - the guy hv to turn 5 turn at the same spot then run thru the 'london bridge' that formed by team member. without touching team member, mission ACCOMPLISH.

seems like not a big challenge for them . . .

this is xiao ming's station = "stage crew duty equipment"
members have to remember all the items shown on the blue table, in around 15 sec.
then all the items on table will be closed, members need to write down the items (score more with brand name). the items should be listed separately to 'stage crew duty used items' or 'stage crew duty non-used items'.

xiao ming: " hehehe kekeke all wrong.......... potong markah!!"
Grace: " don't lah .......... kesian them lah"

this is saw choon's station = "Layout Arrangement"
members given a paper with layout plan, a PIC must be chosen among members.
the PIC should arrange all the man power to make the layout exactly same as the layout stated on paper. the faster team get more score.

this is kha wah's station = "Wire Rolling"
a chance for members get to know how to roll a long wire in proper way so that it wont have knot in next usage.

xiao ming was curious why all the new crews never get 'pening' after 5 round turning.
this is prove that u already getting old lor . . . hahaha

this is poi chee's station = "word arrangement"
members given a word, then members need to use what ever thing they have, arrange the word in a limited space! in limited time too.

this is one of the team results. good idea but dint score high.

experience by xiao ming.

i dono y some of the photos rotate 90deg by itself.

Tess sharing . . .

Birthday boys & girl . . .